Archive for November, 2010

Cute Kiddos!

I love it when friends ask me to watch there kids for a few hours! Love kids and especially love photographing them! And I especially love surprising the friend with pics of there kids when they didn’t know I had my camera with me! Here are a few of Danica and Bodey! Two of my fav kiddos ever! 🙂


Swanson Family

Here are just a few shots from the Swanson’s family pics 🙂 They were great and super easy to work with! Thanks for the opportunity Swanson family!

Lovely Lilly

My friend Debra has a B-E-A-UTILFUL dog… Lilly. I wish I could take her home with me… But I’m pretty sure Debra would notice her gone! I took these photos a few weeks ago and I am just now sharing them! She’s probably the cutest thing ever! Love her!

Can we say drool????

Ferndale Senior Matt Adams

I was the lucky photographer that got to photograph Ferndale senior Matt Adams! Matt is the graduating class of 2011! We had a good time out at Centerville beach, even though it was slightly cold and a lil misty outside! But Matt, as well as his father, were troopers for the photoshoot! Here are a few shots that were my fav from the shoot! I wish nothing but the best for Matt in the years to come! Good luck! and Congrats!

Probably my favorite!