Epic Fondant Frosting Failure

So, anyone who knows me, knows I love to bake cupcakes or cakes, basically anything. Well I’ve always wanted to do a cake with fondant frosting! You know, the frosting on cakes where it’s completely smooth and looks flawless!? Well first I went to Michaels because I had seen items from “Cake Boss”, the tv show, in there and thought I could buy some fondant there. Well, for $19.99 I didn’t really want to make a cake with it that bad! So my good friend Delana gave me the grand idea of making ti myself, because not every bakery comes to Michaels for fondant from the “Cake Boss”. Made total sense! Plus, I had heard that real fondant frosting wasn’t very tasty, unless you made it yourself and put your own flavor to it. So, yesterday it was my mission to get the ingredients to make this frosting! I googled how to make it, roll it, use it, flavor it.. you name it, I did! I was pretty confident when I started making it, but when i was “done” it looked like a pile of mush and liquidy. BUT Google had said to put it in the fridge overnight.

This morning I wake up, not feeling too sparky due to a nasty cough and head cold, but I was determined to see if my fondant had really worked out! So I pull it out of the fridge and it looks halfway descent. Well, I start rolling it out and added some food coloring to it to make it look “cool”, and I really thought it was going to work out. “Thought” was the key word there. Once I had rolled out the fondant i tried lifting it up to put on the cake…… No way jose. All it did was stick and crack… No bueno! I tried re-rolling it and doing it again… So I gave up and put the cracked pieces on the cake and now I’m going for that creative look! hahahahaha! I took a few photos of my “creative” cake to share with you! Let’s just say I will need to re-attempt fondant frosting!

And to top it all off, besides being sick, I now have to clean up a mess before anyone gets home!

Maybe Marthe Stewart will have some suggestions for me!

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